In Defense of Drug Dealers

kim cancer
5 min readJun 26, 2020


El Chapo: a HERO!

It’s time society appreciates a much-maligned group. A group that provides an important service and product to us all.

Drug dealers.

Yes, drug dealers.

No other occupation is as in-demand, yet as hated.

And why? Why aren’t these heroes celebrated? They provide a critical service to us all.

Yes, the urge to get high, drunk, escape the doldrums of life’s struggles has always been a part of human existence. According to an article in Discover Magazine, peyote has been used for 5,700 years, coca leaves used for 8,000 years, and Neolithic Chinese farmers used marijuana as far back as the fifth millennium B.C.!

Sure, life is a lot better in 2020 than it was back when we were living in caves, being chased by sabretooth tigers or bears and an animal attack like the scene from the “Revenant” was a daily threat to everyone, but still, it can suck.

Working in an office can suck. Commuting can suck. Zoom can suck. Relationships, families, friends can all suck. The news sucks. Hell, you might even think this article sucks, and you have a RIGHT to feel that way.

The coronavirus epidemic of 2020 indeed sucks. No debating that.

So what do we do to escape? What offers us a temporary, albeit crucial respite from our struggles? Drugs. Yes, drugs. Drugs, like anything, if done in moderation, are AWESOME. They are made for a reason. Because they’re awesome and fun.

Before you say, “Oh, but they KILL!” and all that jazz, sure, yes, they do, but so can ANYTHING. A car can kill. A bottle can kill. Your cat, theoretically, could kill you, and it probably wants to, but we don’t outlaw cats, do we?

And anyone who dies from drugs either got a bad dose, which is what can happen when drugs HAVE TO BE sold on the black market.

Face it, Prince, Lil Peep, Tom Petty, Jimi Hendrix would be alive if they’d been able to buy better drugs.

Drugs laws killed Tom Petty

Or, sadly, like many who die of opioid addictions, the tough truth is that person was too weak to control themselves. They lacked willpower. They probably would have died in some other way if the drugs weren’t there. And, deep down, you know that’s the truth…

Drugs. They come in many forms: caffeine, cocaine, marijuana, pills.

And, if used responsibly, what’s wrong with drugs?

And who is it that brings us these beautiful drugs? The dealers.

Some drug dealers, like big pharma and their psychiatrists pushing pills, or the brewers, distillers of alcohol, are applauded, financially rewarded, but what about those who risk their lives and freedom to bring us joy?

What happens to them? Ask El Chapo about that. He’s serving life in a tiny bathroom sized cell in ADX Florence, the supermax prison known as the “Alcatraz of the Rockies.”

And all for what? Because he wanted to bring the gringos some fun and enjoyment? How many wonderful parties and good times were fueled by his products? This man is a hero. El Chapo should be freed, immediately, and awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Now you might also say, “but he was so violent!” Well, why do you think he was that way? Do you think he had a choice? Because drugs are illegal and anyone engaging in the industry is automatically a criminal, don’t expect them to play nice. How nicely would you play if the competition in your industry carried automatic weapons and were trying to blow up your car? If you had to dig tunnels to escape jail? Not an easy day at the office is it?

Imagine worrying about this every day

Since there’s been so much talk about racial equality, Black Lives Matter, et cetera, and justifiably so, how about we talk about the amount of minorities who’ve been incarcerated due to drug offenses? How many beautiful people from the hood have to needlessly suffer from drug laws prohibiting them from selling crack?

If I want to smoke crack, I should be able to smoke crack. So should anyone. How dare ANYONE tell me that I can’t smoke crack. It’s my body, and I’ll smoke crack with it if I want.

And all praise to crack dealers like Scooter, Rick Ross (the real one, not the prison guard turned actor/rapper), and Big Meech.

FREE Big Meech!

These brilliant entrepreneurs provided jobs, opportunities to their communities. They made countless charitable donations. They pumped countless dollars into their communities and provided disadvantaged people with money, hope, escape and fun.

Scooter, Big Meech, and anyone, anywhere in the world IN JAIL for selling the enjoyment of drugs, anyone, everyone in that situation should be FREED immediately and given financial compensation for their unjust treatment. Black Lives Matter, as do THEIRS. Drug dealers’ lives MATTER.

To anyone who has enjoyed a joint at a party. Thank your drug dealer. A bump of coke off a sexy ass. Thank your drug dealer. A pill to help you through the day. Thank you, Big Pharma.

To anyone eating food in America, thank the hillbilly in that trailer cooking that meth, because it’s likely a truck brought you that food with the help of a driver amped up on meth so he/she could push that rig on through the dark night.

Drug dealers are public servants. They matter. They help us all. Legalize drugs. Free anyone incarcerated for drug offenses. Regulate the industry so it can be taxed, controlled and these brave entrepreneurs can provide their goods and services to the world!

Thank you, drug dealers everywhere, for what you do!



kim cancer
kim cancer

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