Parents got pissed on in Times Square
“They were in Times Square, for New Year’s Eve.”
“Never understood that, celebrating New Year’s with all those strangers, standing in the cold, in a place so fucking crowded.”
“And how did it happen?”
“I don’t know… He just said his parents got pissed on by somebody.”
“I assume it was a man.”
“You never know.”
“It was so clotted with people that the pisser probably couldn’t reach a bathroom, was stupid drunk, I’d guess.”
“It was New Year’s Eve…”
“I wonder how it went down. Did the guy whip it out and start shooting, like a deranged killer, wantonly spraying down everyone?”
“And packed in like sardines, there’d be nowhere to escape. You’d have to simply stand there and take it.”
“Nowhere to run. Some freak, unzips his fly, cock flailing in the night, pissing wildly, pissing all over you…”
“The pissing guy screaming like Rambo, all: “RAAAAAAHHH!!!”
“Nah, no way. I think it was that the guy couldn’t hold it, went in his pants and the parents were wetted by it.”
“Can’t imagine a person breaking out his dick, pointing and pissing at some random people.”
“I can. People do worse. Of all the tragedies that could befall you, it is low down on the list.”
“Don’t be too hasty to judge. Perhaps he was actually a good Samaritan. Like he scanned around, spared the others, spared the children.”
“Pissing on a child, that must be a sex offense. Chris Hanson shit…”
“Chris Hansen.”
“Marilyn Manson.”
“Isn’t Marilyn Manson dead?”
“No, Marilyn Manson is alive and pissing on people in Times Square.”
“Marilyn Manson is pissing on children.”
“It has to be a sex offense, pissing on children…”
“Even by accident? Say you’re in a public bathroom, pissing in a urinal, and a crazy kid comes running in, accidentally runs into your stream, and you blast his snotty little face with your golden bladder juice. Fucking next thing you know, you’re in jail, getting shanked, getting your cheeks busted by a tatted-up Aryan Brotherhood gang member. Fuck…”
“I’m using the stall from now on…”
“Or did the piss originate from above? A balcony shooter. A roof shooter.”
“The Oswald of Piss…”
“A second shooter theory. One from nearby and one from above.”
“Dude’s parents had enemies…”
“Magic piss. Ricocheting.”
“A rooftop pisser, a sniper. Like someone at a crowded party, couldn’t make it to the bathroom, relieved himself off a roof. Did it innocently enough. Thought he’d hit a dumpster or some shit, accidentally sprayed dude’s parents.”
“You really think it was incidental?”
“Accidental. It was an accident. I want to believe that. It helps me maintain faith in humanity.”
“What’d they do afterwards?”
“Who? The pisser?”
“No, the parents…”
“After what?”
“After they got pissed on…”
“Not sure. It’s an awkward conversation to have…”
“Piss must have frozen on them.”
“Icicles of piss, crinkling off them…”
“I’d punch a motherfucker in the dick if he pissed on me.”
“But what if it was Shaq? Bet he’d piss like a fire hose. Has special toilets installed in his house.”
“I’d save the piss, the Shaq Piss. Sell it on eBay.”
“Still don’t understand. How does anyone get pissed on in Times Square?”
“Why does anyone go there for New Year’s Eve?”
“Dude’s parents probably won’t go back for New Year’s again.”
“And if they do, they’d deserve to be pissed on…”