“The Karen and Axl Rose”
When Sam Philips was a kid, he’d dreamed of being a rock star, playing guitar in a rock band like Dokken, Mötley Crüe, or Guns N’ Roses. Those awesome bands he’d seen on MTV, on Headbanger’s Ball, those heavy metal icons he idolized and wanted to be.
It was all he could imagine being. All he wanted since he could remember. His very first memory being him seeing an Ozzy Osbourne video on MTV. His face glued curiously to the TV, he’d gazed at the screen in awe, mesmerized by Randy Rhoades’ guitar playing, and he knew, that was it. That’s what he wanted to be.
He’d watch MTV, every day, and he danced, headbanged and sang along to the hits and strummed a broomstick, pretending it was a Les Paul, and banged on pots and pans, pretending he was Tommy Lee.
Later, at age 11, he saved up his allowance and cash from his paper route and bought a candy apple green BC Rich guitar and a crappy amp and distortion pedal from a pawnshop. Then he spent hours in his tiny bedroom, perfecting his licks, reading tablature from guitar magazines, and he was soon composing his own metal tunes, his own anthems, songs that’d one day be massive hits. His signature tune being “Rock N’ Roll Bitch.”
He’d chased the dream for years. His garage bands in high school and college had sent off demos to record labels, but, alas, they’d never gone anywhere, didn’t even garner any rejection letters from most of the labels, except for one from TVT Records, that’d had his band’s name misspelled.
With his last band in college, they thought maybe their big break would arrive when their drummer handed the band’s demo to rock legend Axl Rose. Axl had been staying at their city’s local luxury hotel, where Sam’s drummer worked as a bellboy.
Axl was alone and was dressed in a baggy Public Enemy shirt and tight-fitting leather pants and was sitting down to eat brunch in the hotel’s restaurant.
The drummer tiptoed up to Axl’s table and adoringly lifted his head up to Axl, in reverence, like it was Jesus Himself. The drummer, smiling widely, and with his hands shaking, his voice cracking, then nervously introduced his band and handed the demo tape to the rock god.
But Axl didn’t share any smiles. Instead, Axl jarred to his feet, sneered and growled, let loose a barrage of curse words and invective and snatched and threw the demo tape to the restaurant’s marble floor and stomped on the tape with his snakeskin boot, bashed it to bits and loudly suggested the drummer to “fuck off!” and then sat down and coolly ate his breakfast in solitude.
Nearby diners gawked, pointed, and gasped in horror, murmured. A snooty manager in a tuxedo swiftly swooped in and led the drummer away, roughly, by the arm and the drummer was immediately fired from his job at the hotel.
By the end of Sam’s college days, his band was going nowhere. They’d been playing crappy half-empty dive bars and dead parties, often getting booed off stage.
Everyone wanted to hear rap, it’d seemed. That’s where popular music was going. It’d been shifting directions, towards rap and away from rock for a while.
Sam was up to his eyeballs in student loans, too. But, fortunately for him, numbers and math had always come easily to him, and he’d cruised through accounting classes with ease, had taken up the subject as his major. After graduating college, with a degree in accounting, he made the most difficult decision of his young life.
He decided to sell out. Join the rat race. Do what he never wanted.
He abandoned his dreams of being a rock star, got a haircut, and joined the corporate world after receiving a generous, 70k per year job offer from a major accounting firm.
Sam bought a set of three-piece suits, loafers, and neckties and began his 9–5, cubicle job. Soon after, he found a wife, a petite, attractive blond who’d been a secretary at his office.
He worked his way up the rungs of the corporate ladder and lived a conventional upper-middle class American existence.
He wore cufflinks. He bought a big house in the suburbs. He got a purebred dog. He got a bright red BMW 5 Series.
Sam had friends he’d play poker with every Saturday night. Sam even built a stereotypical man cave in an addition to the house. It had rock and sports memorabilia, a big screen TV, comfy massage chairs, a pool table, Pac-Man arcade game, foosball, all the necessary accoutrements…
By all measures, his life had been a success. But, from time to time, especially in the car, on the way to work, as he blasted loud rock, he’d lament not pursuing his musical dreams further. He’d think that maybe if he’d stuck with it, or maybe if he’d been born earlier, when rock mattered more, or if Axl had taken the time to listen to his band’s demo instead of smashing it, maybe, just maybe, he could have been something. Something legendary…
While he was rising in the corporate ranks, had recently been promoted, and was crushing it in life, deep down, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that he’d failed.
He wasn’t a rock star. He was just another schmuck. Another working stiff. Another cog in the machine.
He knew numbers, balance sheets, stock prices, and he saw himself as just a statistic, as stockholder value and profit. He wasn’t awesome. He wasn’t kicking ass. He wasn’t on TV. He wasn’t having the fun he knew he could be having if he were playing packed arenas, rocking city after city, touring the world, flying high and riding on steel horses. He’d imagined his life would be like a Bon Jovi video. But it wasn’t. And it pissed him off.
Dammit, that was supposed to be him! A star! He was going to be a man other men wanted to be; a man women wanted to be with. He was going to write the songs that would make the whole world stand up and sing! And now, here he was, working in an office, staring at computer screens, in a sweater vest, holding a coffee mug…
It sucked to be so… normal… so mundane… And he felt like such an asshole sometimes when he’d wake up in the early morning, his alarm clock beeping, his back hurting and his knees clicking.
Fucking Nikki Sixx never woke up to an alarm, he’d lament, dragging himself out of bed…
But Sam’s worst moments were in the morning when he’d brush his teeth and look in the mirror and see his receding hairline, see his graying temples and the extra pounds on his waistline. He was getting so fucking old. Pretty soon he’d be needing dentures and ass exams…
He started to really detest mirrors, did his best to avoid looking at them…
God, he hated seeing himself like this. As a middle-aged man. A guy young girls would be repulsed by. A guy that people would think of as creepy simply for wanting to fuck young girls.
He hated seeing himself like that and preferred to imagine himself, still, as a handsome young man, a young stallion, with the long flowing sandy brown hair. Him strumming a guitar, on the verge of superstardom, him in a video like “Pour Some Sugar On Me.”
He’d still dream that dream. In his corner office, he’d throw back his head, lean back in his leather swivel chair, and let his mind run and fantasize about time traveling back to 1988, opening for Mötley Crüe, and playing to packed stadiums, banging groupies and giving interviews to throngs of reporters. Sometimes in the evenings, in his man cave, he’d play guitar hero video games, pretend the person on his big screen TV was him.
But it wasn’t him. And he knew it. And so did his demons. The demons, the voices in his head, the demons of regret and disappointment, those ghosts of his mind that would occasionally rage in and trash his psyche like Tommy Lee’s hotel room, torment him about his failed dreams.
But after their short rampage, like any feeling, they’d relent, and the demons would float away, and Sam would realize that he’d been lucky.
Sam would perk up and know he was fortunate to be talented at memorizing, crunching numbers and easily understanding complicated mathematical formulas. He knew that not everyone was. But he was. And he thanked God for that.
And while he might not be exactly who or what he wanted, he had a big house, a slick car, a pretty wife, plenty of friends, and a high-paying job. Overall, his life had turned out alright.
Well, it had been a pretty cushy life, until the day he came home early from work to find his wife, bare-naked, being fucked from behind by a near 6’7, big brick shithouse of a man. The giant was also naked and was slapping Sam’s wife’s ass with his massive hands, clapping her ass violently. The pair were going at it in the living room, on the wrap-around leather couch, her screaming and wailing like Sam had never heard her…
The first thought that ran through his mind was running upstairs for his gun, shooting them both.
But he instantly thought to every prison TV show or movie he’d ever seen, thought of being in jail for life, terrorized and buttfucked. It wasn’t worth it. Nothing was worth that. Not even shooting the bitch, the woman he’d loved with all his heart but now hated more than cancer. The woman who’d just ripped his live beating heart from his chest and taken a big steamy shit on it.
No, no, NO! Now it was only a matter of running, running, fucking RUNNING!
In their throes of passion, the pair hadn’t even noticed Sam was there, and he dropped his suitcase, ran out the door, jumped into his car, and peeled out of the driveway, sped off, swerving through traffic, and stopped at a nearby hotel, booked a long-term stay.
There, in his white room, sipping on a tiny bottle of gin from the minibar, he sat back into a pleather seat, wiped the tears from his eyes, and slid open his phone, and began making arrangements, contacting a lawyer and filing for a divorce.
Since they were Catholic and didn’t believe in divorce, they’d not signed a prenuptial agreement, but, of course, he never expected her to be cheating on him with a Bigfoot.
Sam was initially concerned she’d take everything. Little did he know she had more money than him. Through his lawyer’s clever forensic accounting, Sam discovered his wife had gotten an inheritance a couple years back, stashed it in an account she’d deftly concealed. The money was from an uncle of hers, a confirmed bachelor who’d owned a successful septic tank company.
It wasn’t Bill Gates money, or Jay Z money, but it was a decent chunk of change he found his way into, low 7 figures.
His wife tried her best to dispute it, but there was nothing she could do; the law, the 50/50 split, was ironclad, and Sam found himself a newly minted millionaire.
His anger, the betrayal, was still there throughout the divorce proceedings, but much of it had dissipated once he had that 7-figure check in his hands.
Still, Sam was having an identity crisis. Her friends were his friends. Everyone in his neighborhood either suspected or knew that she’d been cheating on him, for a long time, he’d come to find out. Everyone it seemed, except him, knew that his wife was banging her personal trainer, a strapping young lad, a former NFL lineman, a man eight years his junior.
Thanks to gossip and social media, his coworkers discovered the scandal later too. Every day he’d go to work, see their pitying expressions, the sad and sardonic looks in their eyes.
Worse yet, the personal trainer had moved in with her, and she’d gotten pregnant with the domesticated sasquatch’s demon seed…
Oh, that burned him. Made him think again of shooting the bitch. You see, they’d tried, they tried a few times but never had kids. They’d never been sure why it wasn’t happening and were planning to seek fertility treatment. But then, of course, Sam came home that day and that all went out the window.
Sam was glad, though, that they didn’t have kids, as that’d made things far worse, the divorce far more acrimonious, and he’d happily liquidated his equity in their house after the divorce, and along with his respectable savings, as well as that fat chunk of her secret account he’d siphoned, he was feeling pretty good, financially. But his conundrum now was what to do? Where to go? Where to live?
Surely, he couldn’t stay there, in his neighborhood. At his job. He’d be forever known as a cuck. A loser. The guy whose wife left him for her personal trainer. Nah, fuck that. He couldn’t stay. He had to move on to greener pastures.
With his newfound freedom, the financial cushion he had with his big bag of cash, he decided to do something he’d always wanted. Travel. Internationally. To a place he’d always wanted to go. Thailand.
After seeing the movie “The Hangover 2”, he’d secretly dreamed of going to Thailand and partying, getting drunk and banging hookers. Waking up with a chicken or a monkey running around in his hotel room. Maybe even banging a ladyboy.
He wanted to run wild in the Land of Smiles. Have some smiles of his own there.
He’d begun thinking of it more and more, going to Thailand. He started watching porn videos from Thailand and his innermost secret Asian fetish only grew, and he no longer felt guilty that there were times he’d closed his eyes and secretly thought of fucking hot Asian chicks as he fucked his wife.
Sam was starting to be happy the bitch had cheated. They’d gotten divorced. He knew his wife, who didn’t like travel, could never sit on a plane for 16 hours to fly to the other side of the world. Nor would the bitch ever let him, alone, go to a place like Thailand.
“It’s so dangerous! And they don’t speak English! What if we get kidnapped and held for ransom? Or wind up on the internet, beheaded by ISIS?” he could imagine her saying. She thought of any country outside of America as being a dangerous shithole plagued by car bombings, terrorists in ski masks, and war.
Fucking bitch didn’t even have a passport. And didn’t want one.
But the bitch couldn’t tell him anything now. He was free. He’d gotten his check. He’d been listening to Bill Burr’s podcast rant about gold-digging whores and felt as if snagging that bag of cash off his ex was a nice little fuck you to all the gold-digging whores that’d extorted cash off dudes. All the lazy bitches who’d gotten crazy alimony payments and robbed men of countless fortunes.
“Mike Tyson, this is FOR YOU!” he thought, sniggering and eying his bulging bank portfolio.
The more he thought about it, the more enticing it got, heading out to Thailand.
He could live like a rock star there. He could run the streets like a wild animal, with his dick out, just fucking everything in sight. Maybe he’d never come back.
He read into it, went online, studied immigrating to Thailand. He’d thought maybe he’d open a bar there, on a sun-drenched island, living out his days, lying on a hammock, in the ocean breezes, sipping beers, banging a far younger, bronze-skinned beauty, a girl with a sharply curved, far sexier figure than his wife could ever imagine having, even with all her Botox, yoga, and breast implants!
It was settled. He would do it. He would quit his job. He would end his lease on his divorced guy apartment. With those annoying neighbors and their stupid fucking crying baby. Fuck them. Fuck his wife. Fuck everyone! He was going to Thailand! Bangkok’s neon lights were calling his name! He was going to party in Bangkok, BITCH!
Sam loved Thailand from the second he woke up and saw a chain of small rocky islands and translucent crystal blue waters from his first-class window seat.
On the flight, he’d dreamed of that Twilight Zone episode with the troll on the wing of the plane and saw his ex-wife as the troll, tormenting him.
The bitch crawling on the plane’s wing, on all fours, baring her fangs, blood dripping from her mouth. The bitch clawing at him with her acrylic talons, those long nails painted blood red, and the bitch leaping like a tiger towards his window.
But to his glee, the bitch stumbled and slid off the wing of the plane, and plummeted like a skydiver with no parachute and Sam flicked her off as she faded ignominiously away, clawing and hissing at him fecklessly as she fell back to hell where the bitch belonged…
Then he woke and she was gone. The bitch was dead. Or at least in his mind she was, and that was good enough.
Peering out the window, gliding into Bangkok, all Sam could see was the sun, the brilliant bright orb lighting the tropical landscape in the effulgence of its solar glow. Sam used his hand to shield his eyes, squinted, and looked down, marveled at the skyline of the metropolis from the plane, its towering glass-plated buildings, one of them having a fragmented, funky shape, and one of them with a tip that looked like a spiraling temple.
The place was just as amazing as it looked in the movies!
He felt like he was in a movie, too, when he arrived. It was the “Hangover Part 4,” and he was the star. Or better yet, he was finally a rock star, living out his rock n’ roll dream, and he blasted Ratt in his earbuds as he stood in the immigration line.
Along with taking massive doses of Xanax and Zoloft, he had recently been meditating and listening to relaxation music, to keep himself calm, keep his anger and depression in check, but he decided to delete all the meditation music off his phone, now that he was in Thailand.
Fuck that calm shit.
He would be listening to only hard rock from now on. And only choice shit from the 70s, starting with Kiss and Aerosmith. Tons of 80s party rock, too, of course, like Mötley Crüe’s “Girls, Girls, Girls”, and Whitesnake’s 1987 self-titled record, and his playlists would abruptly end at the early 90s, with Slaughter and Skid Row.
His playlists were especially heavy on the AC/DC, and he also had lots of butt metal like Warrant, Winger, and Poison. “Nothing But A Good Time” becoming his new anthem.
There’d be no depressing Seattle grungy lumberjack dickheads and definitely no weak corporate bullshit like Coldplay or pansies like The Strokes.
Sam would only be listening to kick ass, high energy ROCK N’ FUCKING ROLL!
He was in Thailand, motherfucker!
Sam collected his luggage and stepped from the icy cool blast of the airport into the stifling midday Bangkok heat.
Being from Minnesota, he’d been through hot summers but had never experienced heat quite as sticky and swampy as Bangkok’s. But he loved it! The whole place was like a sauna. Sweat pooled between his shoulder blades, and as the warm air tingled him all over, he felt his creaky old joints relax and uncoil, and the beads of sweat on his forehead felt detoxifying.
Sam felt young. Like a new man. Like a million bucks!
Sam rocked to Mötley Crüe’s “Kickstart My Heart” and Ozzy’s “Crazy Train” in his earbuds as he rode in a pink taxi to The Landmark Bangkok, his posh, five-star hotel in downtown Bangkok.
Goddamn the chicks in Bangkok were smoking hot! he marveled, upon arrival, getting whiplash from gawking around so much at the numerous smoking hot babes all around the hotel’s elegant lobby…
Shortly after checking in, he showered, changed into summer clothes and sprayed on cologne, popped Ritalin to do away with the jet lag and he readied up for a spree. A fuck spree. A pussy spree. A mass shooting rampage of dick. His cock a loaded weapon…
Sam burst out of the hotel like a lion from its cage and hit the city like a fucking tornado. A tornado of perversion, an F-5 full of pent up sexual rage.
For his first hooker fuck he went to the dirty massage place next door to his hotel, paid 3 sexy young bitches to bend over and banged them one at a time, for a couple minutes each, finally dropping his load in the third, the one with the roundest ass.
Blasting L.A. Guns’ “Sex Action” in his earbuds, as he tapped that sweet Asian hooker ass, he cried out, “I LOVE BANGKOK! I LOVE THAILAND! LOOOOOOONG LIVE THE KING!! LONG LIVE THE KING!” and he kept yelling “I love Bangkok!” as he madly porked the caramel skinned dollfaces…
“This place is pussy paradise!” Sam muttered to himself, sipping a cold mug of beer at the Hooters on Sukhumvit Road, gazing at the waitress’s wiggly ass in her orange shorts and rubbernecking at the lovelies passing by on the street.
Sam was smitten with the Thai talent. He was in awe of how thin, curvy, and pretty the Thai girls were. They were so gentle, girly and feminine too. Nothing like the masculine porkers, disgusting tubs of lard so many American women were. The cows! Sam hadn’t seen this many hot babes since college!
Popping dick pills, he hit every red-light district and nihilistically fucked every hooker he could, be they massage girls, bar girls, street walkers, he fucked them all. He even banged his tall skinny college aged cleaning lady; paid extra to fuck her up her tight little ass.
He got soapy massages. He went to blowjob bars and had his knob greased while he slammed shots of tequila.
Sam was doing it! Living the dream! Running wild like a maniac! An escaped zoo animal! A horny white baboon mounting everything in sight!
Sam spent his first couple weeks in Bangkok blindingly drunk, popping a cycle of Ritalin, Xanax and Viagra, and fucking every sizzling hot Asian slapper that struck his fancy.
He’d spend the rest of his time sitting out on his hotel balcony, playing on his tablet, watching 1980s rock videos on YouTube and sipping cold beers.
His mind occasionally wandering, he’d tilt his head and stare wordlessly at the palm trees by the pool behind his hotel. He’d watch the palm trees sway in the humid breeze and would marvel at how they’d bend, those trees. But they never broke. Sam wanted to be like that, be like that tree, taking whatever Mother Nature, Man threw its way. Bending but not breaking.
But he couldn’t be that stoic. Truth was, deep down, the demons of regret clawed from their graves and returned to plague him. He started to miss his old life, his house, his man cave, even his ex-wife and the buttermilk pancakes and strips of bacon she’d make on Saturday mornings.
He missed his buddies, their poker games, and them together, drinking brews, eating nachos, watching football on Sundays. He missed his coworkers and the banter about Netflix shows by the water cooler… He missed his dog, the goofy golden retriever, playing fetch with him in the park…
And even though he was on an epic ass plundering spree, after the first 20 hookers he fucked, he was experiencing a diminishing return of joy. Soon, he started feeling nothing at all, basically like he was masturbating into a bag of warm flesh and bones.
It wasn’t that the Thai hookers made him feel sleezy.
He’d banged a couple call girls during his lonely days after his marriage ended, back in the States, and American hookers were always awful, always rushed and had a sense of shame to them. They were never fun. They made him feel like a big stinky piece of shit.
But Thai hookers were different. They made it enjoyable, sensuous, made it feel like a normal thing. They kissed him. They smiled like they meant it. They were passionate, excited lovers, fucking gracefully and with expert precision.
The first week or two, they were incredible. Sam had imagined he’d be in heaven, always, fucking like this, fucking these exotic beauties, women far younger than him, him porn-fucking these college aged girls, girls that’d never talk to him in America, or would call him “sir” or “Mr. Philips” if they ever did.
But, somehow, the more hooker ass he got, the emptier he felt.
And one cloyingly hot afternoon, after a heavy binge of late morning drinking and Xanax, it occurred to him why he was feeling down. It was because he’d failed.
What he’d wanted to do, be a rock star, that was no longer an option. Not only was he too old, but no one listened to rock anymore. No one cared about rock. Nowadays, it was all rap, EDM, pop. And all that music sucked. It all sounded the same. It was shit.
Not only today’s shitty music, but Sam felt disgusted at the turn popular culture had taken, too. People these days were selling their soul merely for viral fame, lip-synching and dancing like a fucktard for 6 seconds on TikTok.
There was such a thing as an “Instagram Influencer.” An annoying douchebag with a man-bun or stuck-up bitch posing and preening for selfies.
He’d clutch his tablet in revulsion, the device burning under his fingernails, and he’d surf social media sites, snarling, thinking, “These were today’s stars? What was this shit? Why would anyone want to see this?”
Even worse, he discovered that there were people getting paid millions of dollars to play video games. Video games! Why would anyone be stupid enough to watch someone else PLAY video games?
The fact that YouTube video game stars like PewDiePie and Ninja actually existed made him want to vomit.
E-Sports? Professional gaming? This was a thing? A sport? What the fuck?
Playing video games was fun, sure, and he’d loved playing Nintendo as a kid. But watching someone else play video games? That was pathetic. People packing arenas to see THAT? Watch a scrawny nerd in a chair, with a headset, staring at a computer, playing VIDEO GAMES?? People PAID to watch that?
Sam just couldn’t wrap his head around it. What happened to rock n’ roll? Getting head in the backseat in the parking lot after a Mötley Crüe concert?
It was then reality set in. Sam realized his youth really was over. He was old. When the moment comes that you think the younger generation sucks, their music sucks, you don’t “get” their hobbies, and you don’t understand them, that’s when you’re officially old. He knew it. He knew the sad truth.
And, if anything, too, he felt bad for the kids today. He’d see them, sitting together, only staring at their phones, never talking. That was all they did. He’d read online how the younger people were having less sex, too, just playing their stupid fucking phone games. That must be why they liked E-Sports. It was all they knew. Fucking sad.
He was glad he’d not grown up with smartphones and social media and E-Sports. Sam knew how lucky he was to have seen bands like Mötley Crüe. Watched MTV when it still mattered. Went to shows and parties where people talked to each other and got laid.
But those days were gone. It was the 2020s.
His time had come and passed. He could see jazz and swing band guys probably thinking the same about rock n’ roll all those years ago. Now it was his turn to be a dinosaur. He had to face it.
Bon Jovi was gone. Guns N’ Roses were pathetic old fat guys, old farts with hip replacements and hearing aids. Guns N’ Roses were hairy old geezers living off nostalgia. He’d seen a recent concert of theirs, and it was dreadful. Seeing it made him feel so old. Especially Axl Rose.
Axl Rose, who he’d come to detest, looked like a Karen meme. It was sad. He all of a sudden pitied Axl.
Axl Rose, the rock god, who stomped on, smashed his dreams to the floor like an insect, Axl was old as fuck and fat as shit. Axl had once been such a beautiful man. Now look at him. A beached whale. Pitiful!
Not that Sam was much better. He too was an old fat guy. The lines on his forehead kept getting deeper, like slash marks from the scythe of time. The corners of his mouth were sagging farther and farther down, like a colorless rainbow.
And he’d been seeing pictures on Facebook of his college classmates, his former bandmates, and they all looked so fucking withered and old. Seeing their pictures, how aged they were, made him feel worse than when he’d look at himself in the mirror…
Dammit. He was such a fat old fuck.
What’s worse, he was an old fatso living off his ex-wife’s cash. Cash from shit, literally, from septic tanks.
Sam had never hated anyone as much as he hated himself. He saw himself in the reflection from his glass coffee table and winced like he just smelled a violent fart.
He grabbed a bottle of Black Label, guzzled a healthy slug of the smoky potion. He started thinking of heading back to America, maybe starting his own accounting firm.
But, for the time being, he’d try to enjoy the rest of his time in Thailand, bang hookers at a more sensible pace and maybe go see some culture, some museums, temples, the Emerald Buddha. He’d see wild elephants, tigers and shit and pagodas and teak triangle roof buildings. He’d hit the islands, eat coconuts and watch waves crashing into white sand beaches.
Shit, maybe he’d visit other countries in Asia while he had the chance, like Japan or Hong Kong…
Sam decided to go for a cold drink at the bar out by the pool. Getting a healthy dose of sun would make him feel better. It always did.
To his delight, by the bar sat one of the most beautiful women he’d ever laid eyes upon. Early 20s. 5’5. Luscious skin the color of mahogany. Coal black, glossy waist-length hair. Long legs, trim waist, perky tits, big sloe-colored eyes, and an angelic face like a chinadoll with cheekbones so high and sharp they could cut a hole in the sky.
It was like she was an angel, glowing in the sun. She had the light!
She was sitting all alone at the bar, and, even better, she was flashing her perfectly white teeth, grinning broadly, and staring right at Sam, with a sparkle in her eyes.
Tipsy, he stumbled over, introduced himself. “Nok’s the name” she replied, tilting her head coquettishly, brushing a wispy strand of shiny hair behind her ear.
Sam thought the white bow in her hair was the cutest thing he’d ever seen in his life, and he was ecstatic when he found that Nok spoke near perfect English. Nok understood everything he said and they made small talk and she laughed at all his cheesy pickup lines and corny jokes, making him feel like a comedian.
When he asked her up to his room, he expected her to quote a price. But she didn’t. He couldn’t believe his luck. A girl this hot. She actually liked him! He didn’t even have to pay for it!
As soon they entered the room, they were on each other like white on rice, and minutes later, naked, in the king-sized bed, Nok doing things to him in bed that he’d only seen in porno flicks. Nasty, crazy, double jointed shit. Acrobatic moves he didn’t know possible. Things his ex-wife could NEVER do.
They spent the next few days together, mostly in bed, fucking, watching TV, and ordering room service meals.
He loved waking up next to her, seeing her perfect facial structure, and hugging her soft, warm body, his hands on her sculpted curves. He’d feel like he was in heaven with her in bed next to him, her long black hair splayed out on the pillows like a raven’s wing…
He did the math and realized how much further his money could take him in a lower cost country like Thailand. He also thought he could do remote accounting work online.
He could make this work, in Thailand, and how could he leave a girl like Nok behind? He knew Nok would be miserable in the cold and snow in America, away from her family and friends.
Hell, he’d probably also be miserable in America, especially without her, having to return to all the frown-faced people in America and their PC bullshit and their bitching and moaning about race and politics and trans people. Not that he hated anyone, but he didn’t care about any of that shit…
America really was becoming a dumpster fire, he thought. The news from there worsening all the time. Always mass shootings, riots, Twitter mobs outraged over a stupid thing someone said, everyone always offended about something, everyone such crybaby wimps, everyone whining about dumb, meaningless shit like cultural appropriation.
Everyone was victimized and offended and outraged. And there were so many keyboard warriors ignoring America’s real problems like budget deficits, failing schools, genuine systemic racism, homelessness, and income inequality.
Instead these idiots were going for the low-hanging fruit, creating things to be angry about, and attacking standup comedians, of all people.
No one believed in free speech anymore. People couldn’t ignore opinions, movies or jokes they didn’t like. Everything had to be deleted and canceled. Everyone was getting banned from somewhere. And everyone was cowering and apologizing to the rampaging, bloodthirsty vampires of political correctness.
What the hell happened to America? Sam thought, shaking his head in contempt.
For all its bluster, Sam saw America for what it really had become, an overdeveloped third world country. A corrupt, broken, lawless wasteland, and not much better, and in many ways far worse off than Thailand.
It was miserable, coming to see his own country like this, viewing it from afar, with a new set of eyes. But it was what it was. And he’d felt incredibly fortunate to have escaped to Thailand, feeling like he’d broken out of the for-profit prison that is today’s America…
Sam had come to realize, too, that Thailand was not only a more peaceful, saner country, but it was still a man’s world. All of Asia was. There were sexy women in tight miniskirts everywhere. Every stewardess he’d seen at the airport was a young knockout that smiled at him. None of them were some angry old flabby lady with a bad attitude.
There were hot women, classy women in elegant clothing everywhere. To him, the women in Asia looked like women SHOULD look.
And all around Sukhumvit, the area of Bangkok he was staying, there were go-go bars, hostess bars, dirty massage shops, and chicks in lingerie on posters and billboards. They were chicks with nice figures, too, not some gross blubbery sack of shit being idolized like that disgusting Lizzo singer.
He couldn’t imagine a place like Sukhumvit existing in America. It’d be attacked. There’d be protests in the streets, beta-males up in arms, Karens throwing Molotov cocktails!
But there were no violent Karens here, and Sam loved how he saw so few fat chicks. Nearly every woman was at least do-able!
There was no prohibition against fat-shaming and that was awesome! Women were expected to look like women. Have curves, be thin, wear make-up and be beautiful. And a man could look however he wanted. As long as he had cash.
And another thing Sam loved about Asia was that, unlike America, people in Asia actually liked white people. They had skin-whitening creams to make themselves look white and nose jobs to make themselves look like him. His white skin was something people complimented him on. Something they admired and aspired to have, not like it was something terrible or a sign of his “privilege.”
Sam had grown quite tired of many of the liberals in America making people feel guilty about simply being white.
Here, in Thailand, he wasn’t made to feel like a piece of shit just for who he was. He could be a straight white male, and that was okay. And it was not that he hated anyone, or thought he was any better than anyone, but before he’d left America, he was starting to feel like the enemy, vilified by popular culture, made to feel like he was oppressed and hated, just because of who he was.
To him, it was the extremism of America. Instead of really having an equal, diverse society, the country was simply shifting gears, from hating gays and people of color to hating straight white men.
Now he was the enemy!
But not in Asia. Not in Thailand. In Thailand, he was welcomed. He was a foreigner, a “farang” as they called him, but that was okay. Thai people smiled at him. They were laidback, humble, and respectful. He felt far safer. He could easily walk the streets of Bangkok at night and not worry about being robbed by a gangbanger or gunned down by a crazed incel mass shooter Boogaloo freak.
Then he started reading OAN news reports on his tablet about crazy left radicals like Antifa in America calling for the abolishment of police departments! Doing away with police? It was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard! America was becoming like the movie “The Purge”!!!!
Watching Fox News online, he saw more riots in the streets! Every day, there were riots somewhere, by radical leftists, Marxist nutjobs. He’d watch “Louder with Crowder” and see white people being attacked in grocery stores and nothing being done about it!
It was becoming like the Cultural Revolution in Mao’s China! Complete insanity!
America was starting to scare the shit out of him! He NEVER wanted to go back there!
It was settled, in his mind. He’d stay in Thailand. He’d never go back to America. Vindicated, he knew that he’d made the right decision, coming to Thailand, after all…
Sam told Nok over a pancake breakfast that he wanted to stay in Thailand, forever, and that he wanted to open a bar in one of the islands, like Koh Samui, and it turned out that’s where she was from.
She said she could help him open the bar. It was magic. It was serendipity! And it was at this moment that he knew. That this was fate. He was to be with her. This was it. Everything in his life had led him to this moment.
He couldn’t be a rock star. He couldn’t be Axl Rose. But after seeing what a joke fat Axl had wound up being, he didn’t care. He didn’t even want to be that anymore. Be some old guy in spandex pants singing songs from 40 years ago. Fuck that!
No way, there was a peace in anonymity, a tranquility in escaping the polarized cesspool of acrimony and hate that had become modern America.
He’d be spending his final days aging gracefully, running a bar on the beach, lying on a hammock. That’d be a far better life than having millions of people pitying and laughing at you like they were doing to the Fat Asshole Axl Rose. The fucking Karen!
“Fuck you, Axl Rose! I’m glad you broke my demo to pieces! I’m glad I never became washed-up, a has-been like you!” he gleefully thought to himself…
He thought to VH1’s “Behind The Music” about Poison and their bassist Bobby Dall saying something about how he’d never wanted to be a musician, he’d wanted to be a rock star and he’d done that. He’d accomplished that dream…
Sam was likeminded. He didn’t give a shit about the music. He never learned to read music. He hated bands like Rush and Dream Theater, those annoying bands that musician snobs masturbated to. He couldn’t care less about music theory or any of that pretentious shit.
He wanted the lifestyle. The pussy. The money. Traveling the world to exotic locations. That’s what he wanted.
And he had it, escaping to Thailand like this, fucking all these exotic, beautiful young girls.
His wallet was so fat it wouldn’t fold. He had rock star money! He was a millionaire! He was rich! He was getting ass! He was in fucking Thailand! Everything had worked out for the better. And he would never leave. He would stay in Thailand forever!
Sam decided it. Then and there. He’d marry this girl. He proposed marriage to her later that morning, as they lay together in bed. He was naked and drunk, floating warmly on Xanax and had stuttered when making his proposal. He’d been worried she’d laugh it off as drunk talk. But, to his delight, with no delay, she said yes. SHE SAID YES!
Sam was so excited that it was all coming together. He was so elated that a girl this beautiful was marrying him.
He didn’t want to waste any time. He didn’t want her to have even a millisecond to change her mind.
Scrambling out of the covers, jumping out of bed and stumbling up to his feet, he clumsily pulled on his camouflage cargo shorts, stepped into his Gucci sandals and twisted on his black AC/DC singlet and he ordered her up too and told her they were going NOW to be married.
She laughingly complied, collected her clothes from off the floor, and they ordered a Grab car, then rode down to the courthouse and he paid extra to have the papers signed and expedited THAT DAY.
They then returned to the hotel, ate an extravagant lobster meal in the hotel’s restaurant. Then they retired to his suite where they drank champagne, watched superhero movies and fucked. His head spinning, he curled up to her tits like a baby, and passed out in the early evening. And when he woke up the next morning, around the crack of dawn, she was gone.
Lifting his groggy head up and looking out to the floor to ceiling windows, he saw the pink light of morning spreading in from underneath a cluster of dark black clouds. Sam then noticed his phone was silently flashing.
He clumsily fumbled at the nightstand next to the bed, scooped up the device, and saw that Nok had sent him a text saying she’d needed to go back to her home, up north, in Esan, to make arrangements for a formal wedding, a traditional Buddhist wedding, at the temple, and that a week or two later, she’d have him come up there to meet her parents and have the ceremony.
She also requested he pay her folks a “sinsot,” a dowry, of $100,000, and provided him the bank account info for the transfer.
Sam wasted no time in transferring the funds to Bangkok Bank. It was the least he could do. He imagined her parents happy and wai-ing him in the threshold of their triangle roofed, nut-brown, traditional Thai house, the house probably on tall stilts, probably made of teak, with thickets of jungle, palm fronds and mangrove surrounding it.
He could see her parents in that doorway, her father in pantaloons, her mother in long golden robes, her parents bowing and welcoming him triumphantly, like a champion!
They talked online, video chatted the next couple days. In the background, it looked like she was in a small bedroom, not the big house that she said her family had up north. He also remembered her originally saying she was from Koh Samui and asked her about that, and she said that she was from there before but that her family now lives in Esan.
It’d also occurred to him that, in his pilled-up, drunken stupor and haste to tie the knot, that he’d not signed a prenup. Whatever, he figured, he’d hire a lawyer, have that ironed out later.
Monsoon season had arrived, and it was raining just as heavily in Esan as it was in Bangkok. Holding his tablet like it was a talisman, he gazed longingly at his new wife as they spoke via video chat, but it was sort of hard to hear Nok talk over the rattle of the rain pattering at the roof of her house.
She told him that tomorrow her cousin would stop by to pick up the amulet she’d left over there in the hotel room.
Before he could ask where she’d left it, she hurried off the call, saying her mother needed help cooking, and she air-kissed him goodnight.
The following afternoon, the rain had stopped, and slivers of golden sunshine were slicing through the heavy gray and white blotches of clouds blanketing the sky.
Seeing the sunshine made Sam feel better and he started his daily diary entry by writing, “I love Bangkok!”
Nok’s cousin showed up at around this time, knocking hard on the door, shaking it.
But it was not only him, he was flanked by 3 other guys. All muscly and dressed in black shirts and black jeans and all with tattoos covering the entirety of their bodies. 3 of the 4 had longish black hair shaved at the sides and ponytails in the back, except for one guy, a dude missing several teeth, whose smallish head was shaved bald.
The men pushed in roughly as he opened the door, one saying something in broken English about “she leave thing on balcony” and the men swarmed and huddled around Sam, forcing him forward to the balcony, his 17th floor balcony overlooking the Olympic-sized pool.
He screamed for help, but one of the men slapped a palm over Sam’s lips, silencing his cries. Shivers raced down Sam’s spine and his heart beat like a jackhammer.
As they shoved and surged forward, through his spacious suite, he knew. He knew the score. He knew from the warning blogs he’d read, and on the plane over he’d read Stephen Leather’s novel “Private Dancer.”
He’d taken precautions, but the “Land of Scams” had gotten him. He’d been scammed. The last few days were a sham. A farce. A fake. A performance. A simulation. An X-Rated Truman Show.
It had been a grand fake. The girl was a snake, an actress, a ghost and a vampire. Everything was a lie!
Everything was a simulacrum!
The palm trees out there were probably fake. The smiles, those thin smiles were fake too. Hell, the sun was even fake, he’d bet, some great big lamp installed by the TAT, the geezers and their cowering manservants in pantaloons.
Overpowered, the sweaty palm cupped and muzzled his mouth and Sam wriggled and whimpered and tasted its saltiness.
One of the men, who smelled strongly of cigarettes, was muttering what sounded like orders in Thai. One of them was giggling like a hyena.
Like a rugby scrum, the huddled mass burst out to the balcony. As he neared the balcony railing and saw down at the pool below, he was suddenly grateful for at least one thing…
He was grateful that- for at least a short time- he got to be a rock star. He got to feel like one. Live like one. Drink all day and fuck lots of women. Stay in a luxury hotel room in an exotic location. He got to live that life.
But it was now over. And that was okay. He could go in peace.
Then he released. Let his twisting, fighting limbs go limp.
He accepted the percentage. And he quit the dream.